Holiday Greetings, Portage Residents!
It's been a beautiful (though foggy) Christmas week on the lake. The fog brought several days of stunning, frost-covered trees. Today’s unusually warm, 38° weather is nice – but feels so odd. The attached photo was taken just after 5 p.m. from our deck.
Early ice anglers were out shortly after freeze-up on Nov. 27. Many thanks to Paul and Marilyn Peterson for tracking and recording ice in-and-out dates.
Our November “Friendsgiving” social had 30 attendees. We didn't gather in December due to the holiday rush. The next outing is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 15. I haven’t chosen a location yet, so feel free to suggest any ideas.
If you have any summer social ideas, please send them to me by Jan. 31. I'll be distributing the annual “membership” message in mid-February.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy New Year’s week!