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Writer's pictureAmy Aasen

Mid-July Update

We received an update from PLM regarding the June AIS survey. The attached map shows locations where they identified Curly Leaf Pondweed. Here is what our PLM contact there had to say about their findings:

There was some growing near shore around a few docks, but nothing unreasonable. The area I had been concerned about last year didn’t seem to have much growth, if any. Most lakes were overtaken by Curly Leaf this year, so not seeing a lot on Portage is great! I don’t believe we will have enough to treat next spring either, but we can keep up with surveys and everything as usual.

Also, a resident reached out with concerns about the lake's low water level, so I contacted Danica Derks, the area hydrologist. Here is what she had to say:

Fortunately, Portage has a very active volunteer water level reader!

According to their records, on April 24, 2024, the water elevation was 1434.28 ft. As of today, the water elevation is 1434.14 ft, so 1.68 inches lower than in late April. Attached is the hydrograph from 1995-April 2024. I put a yellow dot to mark the approximate elevation of the water level today. The red line represents the Ordinary High Water Level. It’s important to understand the y-axis represents water level in feet and each block is 0.2 feet or 2.4 inches. Today’s water level is within normal range. Water levels have been lower in the past.

I realized today that the July Meet in the Middle was supposed to be last night (July 14). It's been incredibly busy at work, so I had not looked at the Portage calendar since the end of June.

Here's your reminder that the Annual Meeting is Saturday, Aug. 24. We also need to reschedule the Summer Solstice progressive pontoon event. I'll send a separate message about that once we've selected a new date. 

Enjoy the summer-y weather!

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